Monday 3 December 2012

Decorating the tree!

It's been really nice having the weekend off.  We had Sarah over again, her and I went grocery shopping last night and she made me a Salmon and veggie dinner.  I asked her a lot of questions about seafood since we didn't eat any growing up.  I had no idea how to cook or eat a lobster, it seems so weird to me!  I've had imitation crab, and I've tried a forkful of lobster and a few shrimp and that's about where my seafood taste/knowledge ends.  We went out on a hunt for lobster last night, but we where kind of shocked at the prices.  Maybe we will have a lobster night when they're more in season!

We found Dragon fruit at the store and neither of us had tried it before.  I wouldn't say it's to die for or anything.  We decided that it's like a large bland kiwi.  It would make a neat addition to a fruit salad however.

She pan seared then baked the salmon in the oven.  It was SO good!

Salmon and veggies ended up being under 300 calories for this meal.  However later we had shrimp too, which was a nice addition while watching Christmas movies in the evening!

This morning I woke up just after 5 AM with a splitting headache.  I get them every few weeks to every other month maybe. If I don't tackle it right away then my whole day is shot and I lay in bed aching.  I always wake up with it in the night, and my neck and shoulders will ache while my head will is pounding.  Usually I think that my neck is just out of place so I turn over and go back to sleep.  But it's happened enough times now to know that it won't go away on it's own.  The only thing that seems to work for the headache is Advil Liqui-gels for Migraines. No other medication seems to do anything.  But I have to take it with Gravol or else I'll be sick all morning too.  Let me tell you, the combination of headache, Advil and Gravol is enough to knock me out for the day.  I'm pretty sure I looked like a zombie, complete with drool running down my face for most of the day!

When I finally got up, Dan and I had the day to ourselves.  We headed out for a "day date" (Basically we just spend the day out of the house doing whatever we want!).  First we headed up to Mark's Work Wearhouse to buy Dan new work boots (and some sale pajama pants for me!).  Then over to Dread-Mart Wal-Mart to wander around and check out prices for gifts.  I ended up getting some really cute baskets there that I'm going to use in Christmas gifts!  I would have taken a picture, but I don't want anyone seeing part of their gifts before Christmas!

When we where leaving Wal-Mart it was only 11 AM but I was already hungry and turning into a half-dead, drooling Zombie.  So we headed over to Boston Pizza for lunch.  I'm pretty sure the waitress thought I was high, or mentally unstable.  When she took our drink order, I said, "Drinks? Oh, you caught me off guard. I don't know what I want."  Like ordering a drink is hard! Hah!! She gave me the weirdest look.  Eating lunch picked up my energy though, and I felt much better afterwards.  I ordered their 7oz. New York strip with veggies and side salad.  Came to 410 calories and was surprisingly filling.

After lunch we headed to the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping.  I wait every year for the Calendar Club to open up and I always want to buy all of the games they have, and of course their beautiful calendars!  For whatever reason I'm really picky about which Calendars I buy.  Last year I didn't buy a calendar until almost February because I didn't find jjuuussstt the right one.  This year I found awesome ones right off the bat!

This one is for my office. I have a ton of bookshelves in there and soon I'll be putting in a reading chair, so I figured a cute Fairy tale calendar would be perfect.

I love Japanese art, so this one was an easy pick.  This goes up in my Kitchen next to a spot where I have a bunch of Asian themed tea cups and tea pot, so it fits well I guess.

Tonight Dan and I finally had time to put up the tree!  I was still feeling a little slow because of the lingering headache, but we got it done.  Every year we bicker when we put up the lights, it's like a tradition!  Well we did bicker a little, but I was so tired that I just let him do it however he wanted. (And nobody died and the tree still looked great!)

One of my favourite ornaments.  I think he's made out of a tennis ball.  He has a place of honour facing the TV.

I conned Dan into wearing the Candy Cane antlers this year.  He only poked me in the eye a few times while decorating the tree. Ha! No pictures of me since I had ugly dark circles under my eyes all day!

I did have a run scheduled for today, but I decided to move it to tomorrow morning.  Waking up with this headache really did me in for the day.  I barely had energy to shuffle around the mall and I didn't even feel safe driving around because I was so out of it.  Even standing up I felt a little woozy at times.

Tomorrow we both have the day off again (how lucky are we?!).  So I hope to finish up my Christmas shopping, and join some family for lunch tomorrow.  Then spend the rest of my day off relaxing!

How is your Christmas shopping going?  Almost done?


  1. the salmon looks exactly like how my mom makes it (I have no idea about anything cooking related). SO good!

    hahahah love the candy cane on Dan!

    Have a great time shopping tomorrow on your day off! I think i'm doing most my shopping in NY!

  2. I've always wanted to try Dragonfruit, but never really noticed it in the store before (mostly because I don't buy much fruits/veggies :[). I should try some sometime!

    Oooh, I so want to decorate now! Seeing everyone putting up pictures on fb, and now here of their christmas lights and decorations has me so jealous! This reminds me I need to do some shopping soon too! Yay!

    1. It's not always in the grocery store.. I guess it much be in season now?

  3. Wow I just found your blog and so inspired by your weight loss! Incredible.
