Partway through the day we noticed my car was making noises in the front driver side wheel. Whenever I turned left it would make a terrible grinding noise. We took it into a shop that could get us done that day and found out I needed all new brake pads and rotors. Yikes! We decided to get it done at the shop. Dan is pretty handy and could do it himself, but they had a deal with the brake pads, they had a lifetime guarantee you just pay labour to replace them. Plus Dan didn't want to waste a good hunk of his time off working on the car. We ended up paying very little for labour and only had to wait about 2 hours to get it all done which was a lot quicker than I thought it would be!
I took this photo while waiting for the car. My new shoes! After talking to my physiotherapist he recommended shoes that flexed really well and had lots of space to wiggle my toes around in. These fit the bill and are very comfortable. Pricey, but I can see why you'd want them for running. They're Nike Free's. I like them because my feet feel most comfortable in sock feet, so I wanted shoes that replicated that. These are pretty close!
This past weekend I made some Bannock for Dan to take to work. It's a Native bread that you traditionally made and cooked over a fire by wrapping it around a stick. Nowadays the recipe has evolved and most people either pan fry it or bake it. I compare it to a dense biscuit.
When I was young we used to live in Northern Saskatchewan in a predominantly native community. In the school they would pick a few kids from each class every year and those kids would hop on a bus in the winter and drive into the woods to learn about trapping, hunting and others skills that where used by the natives in the area (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think ice fishing and ski-dooing where on the list too). We lived there for 4 years, unfortunately by the time I was old enough to go I wasn't picked and then we moved away. One thing I remember was the summer games the school held. They had competitions in all sorts of things, one was the best bannock recipe. You had to make bannock, roll it onto a stick and cook it over a fire, then it was judged. It was probably one of the coolest schools you could go to. My last year of school there I remember my dad taught P.E, and one spring in grade 3 he took my class out fishing. He didn't have to teach us how to fish because all the kids grew up knowing how to fish. When we where done, most of the kids knew how to fillet the fish and cook it over coals too. I wonder why we moved away? I have a feeling it had to do with how pricey it was to live so far north!
Now I'm off track! I am Metis and every once in awhile, when we had a slow evening at home my dad would break out my great aunts Bannock recipe and we'd spend all evening mixing, frying and eating!
Growing up we used to fry the bannock and eat it with Cheese Whiz, Margarine or jam. Now I like to bake it instead. It's made with pretty much nothing but flour, water, salt, sugar and baking powder. Some people add grated cheese, and others add blueberries.
I don't mind making something like this once or twice a year. It's not particularly healthy, but I find it's important to remember family traditions. Now I make it, but mostly so Dan can have a treat in his lunch!
Speaking of treats, I received a fantastic treat in the mail the other day....
A Game of Thrones cookbook! I was so excited I read the entire thing! The food looks incredibly rich and very very unhealthy. My plan is to find a suitable meal and desert for the Season 3 premiere on March 31st. I don't have much time to find and perfect a recipe, but I'm looking forward to it!
They have recipes by region and for each recipe they have a medieval version and a modern version. I have a feeling I'll be taking the modern versions and trying to make them a touch healthier so I don't end up tipping the scales the next day!
Doesn't that look yummy?!
In other news, I've been doing a lot more walking with my new shoes. I try to get out every day, even if it's just a short walk around the mall and then home. Tomorrow is my first day of work in over a month and a half. I only work a few hours, but I'm still a bit worried. I still haven't been on my feet for hours yet. But now my feet don't feel quite as terrible as they did before either!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone :)
Nice shoes! Love your background here (doing a bit of blog hopping ;)) Food and childhood memories always go together don't they! You look fantastic and like you've had great success with your weight loss, keep up the hard work!